Hester Scheurwater studied monumental art at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. Under the guise of self-portraits, she investigates and critiques the role of woman as a sex object. Photographs of herself posing before a mirror reflects both Scheurwater’s inner thoughts and outward appearance. “The mirrored self-images are my way of reacting on the imitated and fake media images, which are constantly calling upon our imagination, without intending to be taken too seriously, ” she explains. ” I try to deconstruct this call’s effect with my reactions by switching the ‘subject-object’ relationship, without being victimized by it.” Scheurwater’s work is sexually explicit, and therefore well known.The explicit images in her work are shocking and prompt discussion about the purported sexualisation of society. At the same time, her works also share links with international feminist art. Scheurwater’s videos were part of feminist programs and exhibitions, including those at the Brooklyn Museum and the Blanton Museum of Art in the USA.
Artist Statement
My work is a "visual pamphlet" in which I respond to the contemporary image of the double standard surrounding the sexuality of women in the media. I make self-portraits and self-representations of women and mainly work with the medium of photography (formerly video). I use performance photography. I use the photos that arise in my performative sessions as interventions in public space: uploads on social media, sticking posters in the city, stickers, sending cards and other actions in the public space.
I see this intervention in the public space as a territorial act (visual pamphlet) distributed in the public space in order to reclaim that public space (normally for advertising) for women. I also participate in formal presentations in exhibitions at home and abroad.
Now that the power and censorship of social media is even greater
and narrowing the debate around women's self-presentation, I feel the need to reclaim public space in various ways.
Artist Statement Shooting Back
The tension between what is happening inside my head and how I act on the outside is what my work is about – this border between private and public. In trying to reach this frontier I make use of my own body and present fantasy self-images. Indoctrinated, obsessed and fascinated by this view of the ‘sensual seductive’ woman as sex object, I try, almost obsessively, to comply with this image through self-portraiture. These fantasy images are reminiscent of desires, fears, temptation, seduction, violence and sex – self-images as sex objects, devoid of any commercial frills; knowing full well that I can never compete or live up to the image. The mirrored self-images are my way of reacting to the imitated and fake media images that constantly call upon our imagination without ever intending to be taken too seriously. By switching the ‘subject-object’ relationship, I try to deconstruct this call’s effect without being victimised by it.
Hester Scheurwater
CV Hester Scheurwater 1971
1993-1995 Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Amsterdam, Culturele Bedrijfsvoering
1989-1993 Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag,
1983-1989 Roncallie, Scholengemeenschap Bergen op Zoom, V.W.O.
2021 Deelname Beftival Amstedram
2020 deelname debat Bad Feminist Melkweg Amsterdam
Deelname debat Incusief, hype or hope? Dolly platform Pictura Dordrecht
Lezing:This is not a lovesong, Bcademie Rotterdam
Prijs/nominatie & subsidies
2019 O&O CBK Rotterdam
2012 Basisstipendium Mondriaan
2011 O&O CBK Rotterdam
2002 Basisstipendium Mondriaan
2001 Prix de Rome Film en Video (short list)
1993 aanmoedigingsprijs STROOM HCBK
Zuid-Hollandse Beeldende kunstprijs voor Academieverlaters (nominatie)Den Haag
2021 Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Stad in Licht
Noorderlicht Festival Groningen
Beftifal Mediamatic Amsterdam
2020 Frank Taal Galerie Solo Sincerely Not Yours
Open Studio Borgerststraat Art Rotterdam
Deelname debat Incusief, hype or hope? Dolly platform Pictura Dordrecht
One for All, Wallgallery Rotterdam
2019 Frank Taal Galerie, groepshow.
2018 Paris Photo, Grand Palais Paris, Edition Bessard
Rijksacademie The One Mintues Series, Liminal Express curated by Kubilay Mert Ural
ACF Berlin, Faceless Exhibition curated by Bogomir Doringer
2017 Paris Photo, Grand Palais Paris, Edition Bessard
2016 Hotel Lust & Lost, Vincent on Friday Van Gogh Museum
2015 Carroussel du Louvre Fotofever, Paris,
Brandts Museum of Arts, Selfie, Odense, Denmark
Solo All I Ever Wanted Galerie Frank Taal Rotterdam
2013 Ballarat Photo Biennale, Ballarat, Australia
Faceless, Museum Quartiers Vienna, Austria
Broelmuseum solo Paardenstallen Kortrijk Belgium
2012 Nofound Fair Paris, side event Paris Photo, solo France
Art Gent, Young Zone, Belgium
Frank Taal Galerie, Solo Shooting Back Rotterdam Netherlands
Nederlands Foto Museum Rotterdam, gallery, limited editions Netherlands
Basic Instincts on tour OCT Art & Design Gallery Shengzen China
Burgenstocker Galery, group show Hotel l’Erotique Zurich Switzerland
2011 Basic Instincts, Villa Elisabeth Berlin
Nelson-Atkin Museum of Art in Kansas City, USA
Nest, I Should Have Done That The Hague
Twente Biënnale
2010 Loop Media Art Festival Madrid Barcelona for Video Data Bank
Europe Mania Festival, Incubate Pecs Hungary Wild Beamen
Forgotten Bar, Berlin group show Radical Adult
Stedelijk Museum Zwolle Solo Exhibition
Wallgallery Rotterdam Summer of Love
Roodkapje Rotterdam Solo
Museum night Rotterdam Wild Beamen
2009 Six pack Vienna ,13 lessons video performance, (with Valie Export Marina Abramovich Carolee Schneeman Jonh Cage etc.)
Bilbao Sleepless Night (museum Night) video-installation City council Light Industry New York curators Abina Manning/ Steve Reinke
2008 Brooklyn Museum of Modern Art New York, Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art appelling/abseiling Curated by Liz Rosenfeld and Sarah Giovanniello
Centre for Contemporary Art, SHORTLY SPEAKING (IN DUTCH), film programm
International Film Festival Rotterdam IFFR
Prijs/nominatie & subsidies
2019 O&O CBK Rotterdam
2012 Basisstipendium Mondriaan
2011 O&O CBK Rotterdam
2002 Basisstipendium Mondriaan
2001 Prix de Rome Film en Video (short list)
1993 aanmoedigingsprijs STROOM HCBK
Zuid-Hollandse Beeldende kunstprijs voor Academieverlaters (nominatie)Den Haag