Excited that art critic Barry Schwabsky reviewed my books for THE BODY issue of Bordercrossings Magazine, together wit the new book of Lina Scheynius . Barry Schwabsky is the art critic for The Nation and is the co-editor of international reviews for Artforum.
"In two more new publications, Scheurwater returns to herself as the subject of her own gaze, and indeed one of them is titled, simply, Hester Scheurwater. In many of its colour images, she seems to be squeezing her lubricated face and body toward the lens, squeezing herself together in such a way as to exaggerate every form. How did she give herself that enormous double chin? If the Hester Scheurwater of 10 years ago flirted both with the imagined viewer and with the clichés of erotica, today she dares the viewer to see her as monstrous and to turn away. And yet the blatant sensualism of her self-presentation and the sense of her as too close to avoid make turning away impossible"